A number of funding instruments are available to researchers at the Faculty of Medicine.
A call for proposals is launched at the beginning of each year to support collaborative research projects that embody the strategic priorities of the Faculty of Medicine.
The 2025 call for proposals is now OPEN. Project proposals can be submitted electronically via Selectus until June 15, 2025.
All further information on the call can be found in the call document below. If you have further questions, please contact Valentina Rossetti, Research Coordinator at the Dean's Office.
Tuesday, 07.01.2025 Tuesday, 11.03.2025 Tuesday, 01.07.2025 Tuesday, 09.09.2025 Tuesday, 25.11.2025 Always at 16.00
The Faculty of Medicine launched two calls in 2023 to strengthen its international research network and to promote internationalization.
Both calls are aimed at senior researchers of the Faculty of Medicine who would like to establish a long-term academic cooperation together with international partners.
This grant supports global health initiatives aiming to build and strengthen academic links with institutions located in countries with a Human Development Index ≤ 0.611. The Faculty of Medicine has earmarked a budget of CHF 300,000 per year over a period of up to 5 years. No matching funds are expected.
You will find more information about the call in the PDF document below.
The deadline to submit letters of intent has passed and the call for 2023 is closed.
This grant supports networking activities in research aiming to build and strengthen academic links with an international research partner. The Faculty of Medicine has earmarked a budget of CHF 150,000 per year over a period of up to 5 years. The partner institution is expected to provide 1:1 matching funds over the same period of time.
The deadline to submit a letter of intent has passed and the call for 2023 is closed.
The Faculty of Medicine is interested in promoting excellence in research and teaching. It offers researchers and lecturers who distinguish themselves through outstanding achievements in research and/or teaching the possibility of a faculty seat. Applications should be submitted to the Strategy and Promotion Commission by 30 April each year. Membership begins on 1 August (fall semester).
Please submit the completed application form to fakultaet.meddek@unibe.ch for the attention of the Strategy and Promotion Commission.
PD Dr. med. Johannes Kaesmacher, University Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Disorders
Prof. Dr. med. Wolf Hautz, Department of Emergency Medicine Prof. Dr. med. Gilles Wandeler, Department of Infectious Diseases
Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MD, PhD, MME, Institute for Medical Education
The Alumni MedBern Association supports projects within the Faculty of Medicine that benefit teaching, research or public relations. In particular, innovative projects are supported that are beneficial to a broad range of staff and students of the Faculty. You will find the regulations for the support of projects by Alumni MedBern here (in German).
Specific internal funding instruments support research at the University of Bern. In particular, collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, innovation and entrepreneurship, and access to state-of-the-art infrastructure are supported.
Here you will find the overview of the Grants Office of the University of Bern.
In addition, the Grants Office of the University of Bern has compiled a list of the most relevant national and international public funding agencies and funding programs for researchers at the Faculty of Medicine and Inselspital.
Here you will find the overview.
In order to perform competitively in certain research areas, cost-intensive equipment, among others, is necessary. However, major investments can only be made to a limited extent with ordinary operating funds. The Investment Fund for Cost-Intensive Equipment for Research co-finances such acquisitions.
The investment for the entire acquisition is typically over CHF 500,000 but includes matching funds from the applicant. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain the faculty statement and matching funds commitment in a timely manner.
The following deadlines apply to Faculty of Medicine applicants for the current call:
Detailed information and the University's submission deadline can be found on the website of the Vice-Rectorate Research.
Applications for funding of research equipment must be submitted by the institutes and clinics to the Resources Committee. An annual deadline for submission is held each October.
Further information and forms will be found here.