Master in Medicine

The program in Medicine has a duration of six years and is subject to admission restrictions in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (numerus clausus, assessment test). Since 2009, the program has been divided into a Bachelor course of study (1st to 3rd year) and a Master program (4th to 6th year). The program focuses strongly on medical problems and practice. Much of it consists of studies in small groups and visits with patients.

The program in Medicine is regulated by Federal law and has a duration of six years (three years of Bachelor studies and three years of Master studies). All six years of study can be conducted at the universities in Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva and Zurich. The Bachelor program can also be conducted at the University of Fribourg. After successful completion of the six years of study, students are required to take the Swiss Federal Examination in Medicine in accordance with the stipulations of the Law on Medical Professions. The successful completion of this Federal examination is a precondition for subsequent mandatory further education at hospitals and physician's offices, which is concluded with a specialist physician examination. This program of mandatory further education is governed by the rules of the SIWF (Institute for Postgraduate & Further Education in Medicine), which is an organ of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH). Only after this program and the examination have been successfully completed may physicians work independently and treat patients on their own. Further medical education, which is currently regulated and monitored by medical societies, is also required for practicing physicians.

Master Humanmedizin
Basic information
Degree: Master of Medicine, Universität Bern
Number of credits: 180 ECTS credits
Degree programs: Mono 180 ECTS credits
Duration: 6 semesters
Language: German
Beginning studies: Fall semester

The Master program (years 4-6) focuses on clinical-practical work with patients. Direct contact with the real world of medicine and with patients is crucial for students of medicine. The Master program consists of a combination of clinical lectures and clinical internships.

The introductory course EKP clinical practice internship (14 weeks), which is taken at the beginning of the fourth year of study, prepares students for subsequent clinical block internships at various hospitals and at general practitioner's offices. Final Course I (14 weeks), which is taken at the beginning of the fifth year of study, and Final Course II (16 weeks), which is taken toward the end of the sixth year, serve as knowledge blocks and repetition courses that provide a framework for the practical elective year (WSJ). During the Master program, students must also write a master thesis on a specific topic with medical relevance. Students also take written examinations in the fourth and fifth years of their studies. In addition, a clinical-practical examination must be taken in the fifth year. Student performance is measured in the Master program as well on the basis of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). After the successful completion of three years of study in the Master program, students receive the title of Master of Medicine, which is also a requirement for admission to the Swiss Federal Examination in Medicine.

The "Bern Curriculum" is divided into two sections: the Bachelor course of study (1st to 3rd year) and the Master program (4th to 6th year). Over the last few years, modifications have been made, initially to the first three years of study (Bachelor), and then later to the curriculum in years four to six (Master). The main objective here was to adjust the programs in line with contemporary knowledge of adult education. The aforementioned modifications ensure that the study of medicine in Bern also meets all requirements associated with the Bologna Process and the Law on Medical Professions.

The quality of the six-year program of education is systematically and continually evaluated, safeguarded and improved. These evaluations form the basis for medium and long-term planning decisions and are also incorporated into the reports presented by the faculty to the university. In addition, the evaluations are used in the accreditation process for the course of study in medicine.

Individual academic requirements

The following academic qualifications are required for admission to the master’s degree program in Medicine (mono):

a) Bachelor's degree in Medicine from the University of Bern
b) A corresponding degree from a Faculty of Medicine in Switzerland or abroad that has been recognized in general, or in a specific case, as being an equivalent degree

Students with a bachelor's degree that is more than five years old do not have an automatic right to be admitted to the master’s degree program. Admission decisions and decisions on possible additional requirements are made on a case-by-case basis.

The number of students in the program is limited. Students will only be admitted if all admission requirements have been met and there is a place available.

The following students are eligible to participate in the master’s degree program (with admission restrictions):

1. Students who have successfully completed the bachelor’s degree program in Bern in the semester prior to their first semester in the master’s degree program
2. Students who must be admitted due to agreements with other Swiss universities

Additional places are awarded in accordance with the following criteria in descending order of priority:

a) Applicants who have graduated from the bachelor’s degree program in Medicine from the University of Bern
b) Applicants with a bachelor's degree in Medicine from another Swiss university
c) Applicants with a bachelor's degree in Medicine from a foreign university

Swiss bachelor's degrees/programs

from the University of Bern

that allow admission to the desired master's degree program without any assessment:

  • Bachelor of Medecine

Language requirements

Applicants with an academic qualification from a foreign non-German speaking university must demonstrate proficiency in German as described in the German test regulations of the University of Bern.
German language skills at level C1 are required.


Application deadline: February 15; late applications are not possible
For questions regarding application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office.

Current UniBE students

Apply for a change to the mono Master of Medicine by self-service as part of the re-registration for the next semester.
Renewal of semester registration → Self-service
Procedure and timing of the renewal of semester registration

After completing the Master program, students are required to take the Swiss Federal Examination in Medicine in accordance with the stipulations of the Law on Medical Professions. The successful completion of this Federal examination is a precondition for subsequent mandatory further education at hospitals and physician's offices, which is concluded with a specialist physician examination. This program of mandatory further education is governed by the rules of the SIWF (Institute for Postgraduate & Further Education in Medicine), which is an organ of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH). Only after this program and the examination have been successfully completed may physicians work independently and treat patients on their own. Further medical education, which is currently regulated and monitored by medical societies, is also required for practicing physicians.


Information on the Swiss Federal Examination in Medicine

Information on the Swiss Federal Examination in Medicine in accordance with the stipulations of the Law on Medical Professions (from 2011 on)