Bachelor Human Medicine

University-level study of Human Medicine is regulated and structured by the Swiss Confederation, takes 6 years and is subject to admission restrictions (numerus clausus, aptitude test) in the German- speaking part of Switzerland. Since 2009, the course of study has been divided into a Bachelor (year 1 to 3) and a Master program (year 4 to 6). The course of study is structured with a strong focus on problem solving and has a wide range of practical training. Therefore, a lot of educational time takes place in group sessions and at the bedside of the patients.

All academic years of study are offered by the Universities of Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva and Zurich. In addition, Bachelor study can also be completed at the University of Freiburg/Fribourg. According to the “Medizinalberufegesetz MedBG“ (Federal Law on Medical Professions Act MedPA), successfully completed 6 years of study must be followed by the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination in human medicine. Passing this Federal examination is a prerequisite for the following compulsory further training in hospitals and doctor’s practices, regulated by the SIWF (Swiss Institute for Postgraduate & Further Education in Medicine, an iInstitute of the Swiss Medical Association). This period of training will be completed by the medical specialist exam. Only at this point , medical doctors are medical doctors allowed to care for sick people independently and on their own responsibility. Then subsequent continuous training activity is required and reviewed by medical expert associations.

Further Information for the study, held in German, can be found on the German Site.

Bachelor Humanmedizin
Basic information
Degree: Bachelor of Medicine, Universität Bern
Number of credits: 180 ECTS
Degree programs: Mono 180 ECTS      
Duration: 6 semesters
Language: German
Beginning studies: Fall semester