Women in Academia

Role models are an inspiration. Learning from successful female researchers and lecturers what motivates them, what their values are, and how they have overcome obstacles can be helpful. Not only - but especially - for women at the beginning of their academic careers.

In the video series "Women in Academia", members of our Faculty answer five personal questions. We would like to thank these women for their commitment and openness and would be happy if their different personalities inspire you.

Prof. Dr. Marianna Kruithof-de Julio

Prof. Dr. Marianna Kruithof-de Julio

Research Head of the Department of Urology

Prof. Dr. Katharina Stegmayer

Prof. Dr. Katharina Stegmayer

Deputy Director and Chief Physician, University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, UPD Bern

Prof. Dr. Vivianne Chappuis

Prof. Dr. Vivianne Chappuis

Chair of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology

Prof. Dr. Britta Engelhardt

Prof. Dr. Britta Engelhardt

Professor of Immunology and Director of the Theodor Kocher Institute (TKI)

Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera

Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera

Research Group Leader at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research

PD Dr. Carolina Gutierrez Herrera

PD Dr. Carolina Gutierrez Herrera

Research Group Leader at the Experimental Neurology Center (ZEN)

Prof. Dr. Carmen Pfortmüller

Prof. Dr. Carmen Pfortmüller

Consultant Physician at the Department of Intensive Care Medicine


Annika Frahsa

Research Group Leader at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

Talking with Prof. Dr. Nadia Isabel Mercader Huber

Prof. Dr. Nadia Isabel Mercader Huber

Head of Section Developmental Biology and Regeneration, Institute of Anatomy

Prof. Dr. med. Uyen Huynh-Do

Uyen Huynh-Do

Senior Consultant at the Department of Nephrology and Hypertension

Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Inti Zlobec

Inti Zlobec

Head of Digital Pathology at the Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology

Prof. Dr. med. Annalisa Berzigotti

Annalisa Berzigotti

Head of Department and Chief Physician of Hepatology, Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Katja Odening

Katja Odening

Co-Director of the Institute of Physiology and Senior Consultant at the Department of Cardiology

PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Vanessa Banz

Vanessa Banz

Senior Consultant at the Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine