FELS organizes 3-4 workshops annually, typically held from 17:30 to 20:00 at the Inselspital. These workshops, conducted in either English or German, focus on topics related to career development or gender equality and offer valuable insights. Additionally, FELS hosts a yearly two-day retreat.
Thema: "Patient and public involvement (PPI): ‘PPI: What it is, what it isn't, and what it can do in clinical research.’"
When: 15.11.2024 at 17.00-18.30
Where: Inselareal, JJH A523
Info: The workshop will be given by Kristin Bivens, Head of Education and Training and Lead of Patient and Public Involvement at the Department of Clinical Research (DCR)
Regitration: fels.meddek@unibe.ch till 08.11.2024
Flyer:Link to PDF
Title: “Artificial Intelligence in (scientific) writing" with two experts from the medical library of the University of Bern, Tania Rivero and Dr. Sampoorna Rappaz.
When: 25.06.2024 at 17:30 - 19:00 followed by an Apero
Where: at the Inselareal (exact location will follow with registration).
For registration: Please send an email to (fels.meddek@unibe.ch) until 18.06.2024.
Info: This workshop will cover the appropriate and effective use of AI tools for literature search and writing.
For registration see flyer: Link to PDF
Title: “Habilitation at the Medical Faculty Bern: Tipps, tricks and Q&A” with Prof. Sissel Guttormsen
When: 18.04.2024 at 17:30
Where: at the Inselareal (exact location will follow with registration).
For registration: Please send an email to (fels.meddek@unibe.ch) until 15.03.2024.
Info: This workshop, presented by Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, a member of the habilitation commission, will address the requirements and procedures for habilitation at the medical faculty in Bern.
For registration see flyer: Link to PDF
Title: «Breakfast with Prof. Roxana Meheran»
When: 8.12.2023 from 7.30-10.00
For registration see flyer: Link to PDF
Title: “Geschlechtersensible Sprache” with Dr. Monika Hoffmann (in German)
When: 26.09.2023 17.30-19.30
Registration: fels.meddek@unibe.ch
Flyer: Link to PDF
Title: Research Funding for Female Scientists & Clinicians with Susanne Matuschek
When: 2nd May 2023, 17.30 - 19:30 Uhr
Registration: fels.meddek@unibe.ch
Flyer: Link to PDF
Title: «Die Macht der Wirkung und die Kunst sich durchzusetzen» with Ann Klemann
When: 28. April 2022, 17.00 - 19:30 Uhr
Registration: fels.meddek@unibe.ch
Flyer: Link to PDF
Title: «Frauenemanzipationsbewegungen in der Schweiz- Geschichte und Gegenwart» with Fabienne Amlinger
When: 27. January 2022, 17.15 - 19:15 Uhr
Registration: fels.meddek@unibe.ch
Flyer: Link to PDF