Faculty of Medicine


The implementation of the strategy «Digital Medicine» is the responsibility of the joint program committee «Digital Medicine» (Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern, Insel Gruppe AG, UPD) as the highest governing body within the framework of a system of «checks and balances».

In the governance structure, the joint program committee «Digital Medicine» is the final decision-making body on strategic directions, fields of action to be worked on, and the initiation of measures and applications to the subordinate bodies.

For the successful implementation of the «Digital Medicine» strategy, it is essential that this jointly agreed governance structure is adhered to and lived out, and that all governing bodies receive the full support of all representatives of the stakeholder groups.

The lean governance structure is intended to promote agile decision-making processes – and at the same time ensure the substantial involvement of all stakeholders in the initiation and implementation of strategic projects relevant to digitalization at the Faculty of Medicine.

The control function performed by the joint program committee «Digital Medicine» also guarantees proper use of funds including closed quality assurance cycles. Furthermore, it is ensured that the digitalization projects financed at the faculty or university level are aligned with the strategic planning at the level of the Faculty of Medicine, Insel Gruppe AG, the University of Bern, and the UPD.