Faculty of Medicine

About Us


The joint program committee «Digital Medicine» consisting of members of the Faculty of Medicine, the Executive Board of the University of Bern, the Insel Gruppe AG and the Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste UPD is responsible for the overall coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the strategy «Digital Medicine». Another committee (project committee «Digital Medicine») has been defined for the implementation of the digitalization strategy as well as the generation of measures derived from it.

The topics of «Digital Medicine» of the Faculty of Medicine are represented by the Vice Dean of Digitalization in the Faculty Executive Board. In his bridging function, he ensures the information, coordination, and implementation of the strategic goals with the Insel Gruppe AG, the UPD, and the central administration of the University of Bern.

Members of the Program Committee:

  • Dr. Pascal Schär, Director Technology and Innovation, Insel Gruppe AG (chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Leumann, Rector, University of Bern
  • Markus Brönnimann, Administrative Director, University of Bern (on behalf of the Rector)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudio Bassetti, Dean, Faculty of Medicine
  • Prof. Dr. Marcel Egger, Vice Dean of Digitalization, Faculty of Medicine
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser, Director Teaching and Research, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Fiedler, Medical Director, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Kaess, Clinical Director, UPD

The necessary processes are controlled by the joint project committee «Digital Medicine» (Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern, Insel Gruppe AG).

Members of the Project Committee:

  • Sascha Tayefeh, Chief Digital Officer, University of Bern (chair)
  • Roman Plattner, Head Projects and Innovation, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Dr. Pascal Schär, Director Technology and Innovation, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Prof. Dr. Andrew Chan, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Prof. Guido Beldi, Insel Gruppe AG (on behalf of Prof. Dr. Andrew Chan)
  • Prof. Dr. Marcel Egger, Vice Dean of Digitalization, Faculty of Medicine
  • Cord Fündeling, Head IT Services Office, University of Bern

As needed, is consulted as an advisory testing agency:

  • Enterprise Architekt (Faculty of Medicine / University of Bern / Insel Gruppe AG)
  • Security Officer (Faculty of Medicine / University of Bern / Insel Gruppe AG)

Project Management:

(«Digital Medicine» focusing on «Data Interoperability» University of Bern - Insel Gruppe AG)

  • Dana Freisberg, Eraneos Group AG (Project Leader)
  • Cornelia Scherrer, Eraneos Group AG (deputy of Dana Freisberg)
  • Katarzyna Kaczalak (Business Analyst)
  • Strahinja Lovric, Eraneos Group AG (ICT Requirements Engineer)

Expert Committee BiomedIT Project:

  • Cord Fündeling, Head IT Services Office, University of Bern
  • Andreas von Ballmoos, IDSC, Insel Gruppe AG
  • Dr. Alexander Leichtle
  • Representative of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Representative of the researchers of the Faculty of Medicine