Faculty of Medicine


The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern offers the best conditions for high-quality and future-oriented research. Close links between basic research, engineering sciences, and the university hospitals provide a unique environment for translational and patient-centered clinical research. Our strategic focus is on cross-disciplinary research priorities.

The excellence of our research is reflected, among other things, in our success in acquiring competitively awarded external funding. Internal funding instruments are specifically designed to complement the external instruments and offer attractive opportunities for early-career researchers in particular.

2024 SNSF Starting Grant for Mattia Aime

Mattia Aime received a Starting Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for his research project "Cracking the neural code shaping emotional memories during sleep (REMind)", which focuses on emotional memory processing during sleep. Mattia Aime will establish his own research group at the Institute of Physiology at the University of Bern.
During daily life, a myriad of events occur and are stored in our brains. Emotions play a crucial role, acting as markers to prioritize salient information for memory storage. This process relies on changes in brain connectivity, a phenomenon called neural plasticity. However, memory storage extends beyond wakefulness, necessitating an offline period, which is provided by sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a phase characterized by heightened activity of emotion-related brain regions, assumes a pivotal role in storing emotional information, although recent research also highlights the involvement of non-REM (NREM) sleep in this process. Yet, the precise neural plasticity mechanisms underpinning memory processing during REM and NREM sleep have remained elusive.
The Aime Lab will delve into the neural dynamics of emotion-related regions, uncovering the plasticity mechanisms that govern emotional memory processing during NREM and REM sleep. New perspectives on the relationship between sleep, memory, and neural plasticity will potentially lead to unlocking crucial therapeutic targets for sleep and affective disorders.

Dr. Mattia Aime, Center for Experimental Neurology, Department for BioMedical Research