- Academic title of Associate Professor achieved by Michele Bernasconi, Amit Vikram Pandey, and Sebastian Grunt; PD-Title achieved by Insa Korten, Eva Maria Brack, and Francis Ulmer
- 10 leading research groups in the field of Pediatric Pneumology (Latzin), Pediatric Allergology (Kopp), Endocrinology/Diabetology and Metabolism (Flück), Neuropediatrics (Klein), Hematology/Oncology (Furtwängler), Infectious Diseases (Aebi), Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Education (Keitel/Steiner), Neonatology (Kidszun), Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (Riedel )
- Research groups involved in basic & clinical as well as translational research projects. Furthermore, research involves collaboration and evaluation of data from multiple existing birth cohorts and clinical registers (e.g. BILD (, the SCILD (, Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry (Swiss-CP-Reg;, Swiss registry for neuromuscular disorders’ (Swiss-Reg-NMD;, Swiss Pediatric Inflammatory Brain Disease Registry (Swiss-Ped-IBrainD;, Swiss Neonatal Network & Follow-Up Group (SwissNeoNet;, Swiss Neuropediatric Stroke Registry (SNPSR;, Swiss IBD Cohort Study (, Swiss Autoimmune Hepatitis Cohort Study (SASL3), I-DSD registry (
- Training of PhD students in programs of the Graduate Schools, MD students, postgraduate training in pediatrics
- Clinical research conduct is supported by PedNet Bern, a clinical pediatric hub of the SwissPedNet
- Publications:
External Partners
Universities and large hospitals in Switzerland and abroad, national and international research institutions (national: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), University Psychiatry Department (UPD), University of Bern. International: Airway Research Center North (ARCN), German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Luebeck, Germany
- SNF Projects (ongoing): 197725, 207893 (Flück), 204518 (Pandey), 212587 (Grunt), 193039 (Steinlin), 182719 (Latzin); SNF Ambizione: 179905 (Yammine), 193342 (Keitel); SNF SINERGIA CRSII5_193694/1 (Rössler)
- EU Horizon2020: DIAMONDS, Partner (2020-2024) (Ongoing: Aebi)
- SPHN & PHRT: NDS SwissPedHealth (Ongoing: Latzin)
- DLF-Nachwuchsförderungs-Grants für Patientenorientierte Forschung (Hamman, König)
- SERI, Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships: 2023_0011, 2023_0441, 2022_0470, 2020_0557 (Pandey)
- UniBE: Initiator Grant (Ongoing: XXXX), MCID funding (Ongoing: XXXX)
- IFCAH-ESPE grant (Ongoing: Pignatti)s
- KinderInsel Grants (Herrmann, Holzner, Sokollik, Zürcher)
- Grants from various foundations: Phospholipid Res. Center, Lungenliga, Swiss Cancer League, SAMW KZS-Fund, Stiftung für Experimentelle Tumorforschung, Krebsforschung Schweiz, Krebsstiftung Schweiz, Stiftung zur Krebsbekämpfung, Fondation Zoé4Life, Anna Müller Grocholski Stiftung, Mach Gaesslen Stiftung, Palatin Foundation