- Teaching medical students, residents and postgraduate nursing students in emergency medicine and point of care ultrasonography
- Three research focus areas: diagnostic quality, tele-emergency medicine and e-health, applied emergency medicine
- Nine research groups in these three focus areas
External Partners
Extensive international cooperations with ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, Diabetes Technology; Institut für Gebirgsnotfallmedizin EURAC, Bozen; CHUV Lausanne; HUG Genf; Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin; Institute of Educational Measurement, University of Oslo, Norway; Sarah Lawrence College, New York University School of Medicine, USA; Charité Berlin, Germany; Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands; ISPM at University of Bern; MSc programme “Global Health – Disaster Medicine”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel; Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- SNSF Project as lead investigators: The digital diagnostician - how information technology affects medical diagnoses (SNF No. 187284)
- SNSF Project as co-investigators: IOw-dose CT cOmPared to Lung UltraSonography vs standard care for the diagnosis of pneumonia in the elderly – a multicenter randomized controlled study (SNF No. 197398)