Translational Imaging Center

Innenansicht des sitem-insel Gebäude

The Center is part of the Insel Gruppe and is supported by sitem-insel, the University of Bern, and Siemens Healthineers. It enables translational imaging research ranging from molecular chemistry and physics to applied human-oriented research and employs advanced magnetic resonance imaging.

To the TIC website


  • MR methodology
  • MR imaging at 3 and 7 T in radiology and neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neurology, radiation oncology, cardiology, metabolism and diabetology, psychiatry, psychology, and veterinary medicine
  • MRI services and consulting for basic and clinical research, epidemiological studies, and clinical imaging
  • Translational research with industry partners
  • Continuous education in UHF Imaging

External Partners

  • Siemens Healthineers
  • University of Vienna
  • University of Geneva


  • Introduction of High Field Optimized Fast 3D MR Spectroscopic Imaging for IDH Typing of Gliomas and Assisted Surgical Neuro Navigation (SNSF 182569, Prof. Slotboom, Dr. Kiefer)
  • Metabolic Fingerprints from Magnetic Resonance: Levels, Maps, and Microstructure (SNSF 175984, Prof. Kreis, Prof. Bally, Prof. Slotboom)
  • MISSION Deuterium Metabolic imaging of the brain at ultra high field MRI: feasibility study of spectroscopic methods for exploration of brain metabolism without ionizing radiation (SNSF 2007997, Prof. Slotboom, Prof. Kreis, Prof. Bally, Dr. Radojewski)
  • Pre-MITRA project, Cardiac MRI in patients with severe secondary mitral regurgitation (SNSF 32003B_197754/1, Prof. Gräni)
  • Antifibrosis therapy in minipig model (Inno Suisse Grant 40379.1 IP-LS, Prof. Gräni)
  • Bridging gaps in the neuroimaging puzzle: advanced techniques for comprehensive mapping of brain anatomy and multi-scale network activity (SNSF Ambizione Grant 185909, Dr. Jorge)
  • Brain aging - a comparative study in healthy and people with Multiple Sclerosis as model of a chronic neuroinflammatory disorder (Swiss MS Society 2023-22, Dr. Piotr Radojewski)