Decoding Sleep

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The Interfaculty Research Cooperation “Decoding Sleep” bridges Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, and Computer Science. It aims to gain a better understanding of the function and regulation of sleep-wake-rhythms and to develop strategies for early and personalized therapies for sleep-related disorders.

To the Cooperation's website


The Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) “Decoding Sleep” is coming to an end after six years of continued interdisciplinary research and teaching and a large impact on science, medicine, and society. It has led to:

  • A better understanding of the key roles of the thalamus in controlling sleep-wake states as well as cognitive and pain mechanisms in both animal models and human
  • The recognition of new sleep-related interventions to improve learning and cognitive performance, as well as conscious experience and creativity
  • The establishment of new computational approaches to model and analyze brain dynamics during sleep and sleep disorders
  • The creation of a new platform (NeuroTec), new laboratories (Sleep Motion Lab), and a new unit (Sleep House) to promote research and improve sleep diagnosis
  • The creation of new educational programs, including the Master in Sleep Medicine (60 ECTS), the Neuroscience Bachelor (30 ECTS), and the training of more than 40 young scientists
  • More than 100 papers, CHF 13 m of research grants, and two patents

However, sleep research will continue to flourish in Bern: The IRC “Decoding Sleep” will transition into “SleepBern” as a new platform to gather sleep scientists, clinicians, and trainees.


  • EU Horizon 2020: Human Brain Project (Prof. W. Senn)
  • SNSF Eccellenza (Prof. M. Baud)
  • SNSF Project Grants (Profs. A. Tzovara, T. Nevian, L. Tarokh, A. Adamantidis, C. Nissen)
  • SNSF Sinergia (Profs. W. Senn and A. Adamantidis)
  • SNSF Bridge Discovery (Prof. A. Adamantidis, Prof. A. Tzovara, PD Dr C. Gutierrez Herrera)
  • Other grants from various foundations, companies, and institutions