Module Overview
Module 1: General Hepatology
Participation in lectures, seminars and clinical sessions
Management of the ambulatory patients with liver disease
Indications, contraindications and principles of common liver tests, including blood tests, ultrasound, elastography and liver biopsy
Module 2: Drugs and Liver metabolism
Participation in lectures, seminars and clinical sessions
Use of the common drugs in hepatology
Principles of drug liver metabolism
Drug induced liver injury (DILI)
Alcoholic liver disease
Metabolic liver diseases, NAFLD/NASH, Wilson’s disease
Module 3: Fibrosis, Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Diseases
Participation in lectures, seminars and clinical sessions
Pathophysiology of fibrosis and cirrhosis
Vascular Liver diseases
Principles and hands-on: Transient elastography, other ultrasound elastography techniques
Principles and hands-on: Ultrasound, Doppler-ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound
Percutaneous liver biopsy
Indications to diagnostic and interventional endoscopy, interventional radiology and laparascopy; radiological and nuclear medicine examination of liver and biliary tree
Module 4: Advanced Liver Desease
Participation in lectures, seminars and clinical sessions
1. Management of hospitalized patients
1.1. Fulminant liver failure
1.2. Acute-on-chronic liver failure (including infections in cirrhosis)
1.3. Renal failure in cirrhosis
1.4. Hepatic encephalopathy
1.5. Nutrition in liver disease
2. Hepatic hemodynamic procedures. Understand the indications, contraindications and principles of hepatic veins catheterization for hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurement and transjugular liver biopsy
3. Paracentesis. Learn how to perform a diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis. Indications to albumin infusion; the fellow attends the monthly interventions board meeting and the bi-monthly meeting on portal hypertension and presents his/her cases.
Modul 5: Liver Transplantation and Liver Cancer
Participation in lectures, seminars and clinical sessions (tumorboard and OLT meeting)
1. Liver transplantation
2. Liver cancer
2.1. HCC and ICC: clinical, histological and radiological aspects; update on therapy
2.2. Percutaneous ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration/biopsy of focal liver lesions is performed