Emeriti Club

The Emeriti Club is the association of professors emeriti and retired lecturers.

The aim and purpose of the association is to maintain existing contacts and friendships, and to establish new ones. Faculty members are automatically added to the membership list upon retirement.


Prof. em. Dr. med. Peter Eggli, Hinterkappelen
Email: peter.eggli@emeriti.unibe.ch. Tel.: 078 402 43 12

Prof. em. Dr. med. Heinrich Mattle, Bern
Email: heinrich.mattle@bluewin.ch. Tel.: 078 662 49 72

Foundation and History

The Emeriti Club was founded in 1988 on the initiative of Max Hess. The club was to provide the opportunity for emeriti and emeritae to meet by attending talks and social events and so to maintain old contacts and make new ones. The fact that the club still exists and is still active after 30 years shows that it has evidently been able to maintain its attractiveness over all these years.

In the beginning, and for a long time after that, Jürg Hodler was the lively driving force who made sure there was leadership, content and club life. He was joined and actively supported by Harald Reuter and Ewald Weibel. In the summer of 2005, the baton was passed to Peter Burri, Bärni Nachbur and Henning Schneider, and at the end of 2009 Rolf Seiler joined them. At the end of 2019, Bärni Nachbur resigned because of his age. Rolf Seiler and Henning Schneider had to step down for health reasons in 2020 and 2022 respectively. The team gained reinforcements in the autumn of 2019 with Heinrich Mattle and in the summer of 2020 with Peter Eggli.


Traditionally, most club events of a cultural-social nature take place at the Haus der Universität (Schlösslistrasse 5, 3008 Bern). Events typically begin at 5 p.m. with a talk by a guest speaker, followed by refreshments and - for those who have registered - dinner. There is normally also a summer event with an excursion, as well as a hike and special events. Invitations are extended to all club members and their guests.

Communication and Organization

Club events are planned by the board and organized by individual board members. Organizational and communication assistance is provided to the club by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine. As a rule, an annual program is prepared and invitations are issued for each event. These invitations, as well as all other communications, are sent electronically via info.meddek@unibe.ch and only in special circumstances by mail.

Members’ Addresses

The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine maintains a list of professors emeriti and retired lecturers. Changes of address and especially email address changes should be conveyed to the Dean's Office: info.meddek@unibe.ch.


Costs are incurred each year for speakers’ fees, room rental, refreshments, museum admission fees, etc. We depend on voluntary club dues and donations, typically 50 Swiss francs per year, to finance these costs.

Emeriti Club Bank Account:
Bern Kantonalbank BEKB
IBAN CH28 0079 0042 5942 2059 8
Treasurer: Prof. Heinrich Mattle, Meisenweg 18, 3014 Bern